Tuesday, June 14, 2011

And Here We Are Again...

After finishing the school year out at the end of May and then torturing myself by finishing 6 college credits in 3 weeks, my family is now officially on summer break. Finally. No more early wake ups, lunches to be packed, or daily regimented schedules to be followed.

Or so I thought.

It would appear that the two little someones residing at my house had apparently missed the memo.

Monday morning arrived and with it all the promise of a restful and relaxing summer ahead of us. Of course it came at the ungodly hour of 5 am with my son's sweet breath on my face. I painfully peeled open one eye to see my almost 5 year old little boy standing before me fully dressed in camouflaged attire.

"Mommy...mommy? Are you in there? Mommy, I'm all dressed and ready for summer. Let's go!"

Ugh. Really? 5 am?


So here we are once again facing the endless possibilities of time off with Mommy. Allow me to re-introduce you to the starring players in our game of life:

*Devin "Optimus Prime" Himes. He does have a middle name that is not affiliated with a well known Autobot, but I reserve the right to use that moniker for only important occasions when I REALLY need to get his attention. Currently obsessed with all things Transformers, about to turn 5, experienced bike rider extraordinaire and future kindergartner. He is my first born and only son. He will also most likely be the death of my sanity this summer as we are going through the weaning of the sacred and beloved "nap". Oh boy...

*Sweet Sienna May...age 3 1/2. Reluctant member of the "Two Bite Club" for a few lucky fruits and vegetables and proud mommy to all of her poor various dollies, who by the way spend far more time in "time out" than she does. Lover of high heels, making mud pies, and of course hot dogs. Oh where would we be without hot dogs...

My husband and I are thankful to have front row seats to the everyday hysterics that these two little beings present for us. Through this blog I am hoping to once again paint a picture of what life is like with small children during a teacher's summer break off. I know that there will be ups and downs with all sorts of unexpected trials and tribulations along this journey. This is just my small way of remembering to focus on the good in it all, and to find one thing in each day to be thankful for amongst the many to choose from.

Welcome back and hang on because I'm sure that it will be a fun ride. With these two anything is possible.

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