Wednesday, June 23, 2010

And so it begins...with peanut butter

This is my first foray into the writing world. For those of you who choose to journey with me, please be kind. I welcome your responses, thoughts and criticisms in the most helpful way. Thank you for listening because god knows...we've all been there or will be soon enough.

I'm many things in this world--woman, wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, teacher...and of all these "titles" the mother role perplexes me the most. It could be of course that I am living in the realm of an almost 4 year old and a 2 1/2 year old. No other explanation needed, right? Yes, you get my point.

This may be a perfect spot to insert my disclaimer: I am happily married and love my kids, family, and life. End disclaimer.

Moving on.

The thought occurred to me one day that perhaps during trying times with my kids I could use a bit of reverse psychology on myself...that in the heat of horrid moment (which occurs at a rate of about once an hour given the ages of my kids) I should try to focus on at least one thing to be thankful for (yes, I know...haha) and so today it was PEANUT BUTTER. Yes, simple creamy stick to the roof of your mouth peanut butter...because when my 2 1/2 year old daughter's mouth was stuffed full of it she could not call me stupid or scream at the top of her lungs at me. Heaven in so many ways...

And so it begins with peanut butter...I'm going to be faithful to this journey and post daily my one thing that I am thankful for (out of the many things I have to choose from) to remind myself to firstly, not take things to seriously, and secondly, to perhaps see the humor in it all even if it is hiding deeply below the surface.

Peanut butter. Who knew?

1 comment:

  1. Funny about the peanut butter. You kids used to stick it on the top of "Bandit's" mouth and giggle because his tongue would go crazy licking trying to get rid of it. Every time I eat peanut butter I think of how fun it was watch you kids terrorize that poor dog. He seemed to love it because he always begged for more. At least peanut butter was better than the no-bark dog collar that the boys tried on themselves!
