Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tick Tock...

Today was one of those days. Not a bad day...just one of those days we all have where it feels like anything you try to do is like pulling teeth...painful and drawn out. Today was the day that when the alarm went off I wanted to burrow even further under the covers and pretend that if I couldn't see the world then the world couldn't see me. Today was the day that I could not inject enough caffeine into my system to keep up with the ever changing moods of my children, and I most definitely should have followed my gut instinct and stayed home.

But oh... that would've been just way to easy now wouldn't it? Who likes easy??

Usually on days like these my kids sense the energy surrounding me and many things happen at once. It's like you can see the gears engaging in their brains and everything snapping into place as they decide unanimously: Let's make this a REALLY fun day for Mommy. Duh duh duhhhhhhhh...

Let's see if we can squirt the entire tube of blue Spiderman toothpaste on the bathroom counter because it smells REALLY REALLY good and if a little is good then a lot must be better! And oh makes excellent swirls on the wall and tastes good too!

Let's insist and chant that we have eggs for breakfast only to shout that we HATE eggs and that they are poop and that we wanted cereal all along...or better yet...lets just stick our fingers into the butter dish and ohhhhh...doesn't that feel nice? Kind of like chapstick...oh let me paint your face while you paint mine...

Let's decide to put on our own clothes without Mommy's help, but not the ones on the top of the drawer. Ohhh nooooo...let's first pull ALL of our clothes out of the dresser so we can lay out a bazillion different combinations of outfits only to decide that really we don't need to wear clothes after all. Clothes are overrated...underwear and rain boots are just fine, thank you.

Yes...on days like today it takes a lot of searching to find something to be thankful for. Believe me--I had to really dig deep for this entry.

But it did come to me eventually...TIME. It moves on, it passes, and no matter what it keeps going. Sometimes slower (oh so much slower) than I want it to and others much MUCH too fast. Sometimes you have plenty of it for yourself and other days you are scraping bits and pieces together just to catch your breath and hold on to your sanity. It's one of the biggest struggles I face as a mother...time and how to spend it so that there is balance in my own life and in the lives of my children.

In today's case, no matter what the day had held for me, bed time did finally arrive signaling that their time was over for the day so that I could have a little of my own. Whew.

Now as I sit here and savor my glass of wine I have to say that I will be ready for whatever tomorrow may long as my sweet little beasts sleep for a good 12 hours straight and I am able to invest a little time in myself.

And in cleaning up blue toothpaste off of the wall.

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