Thursday, July 22, 2010

Go On and Take a Hike...

The idea was to take a hike with the kids.

A better way to describe it would be to say, "Let's take a stroll with the kids...", which then turns into, "Let's see how much mom can REALLY carry..."

Oh, yeah, I got some exercise alright.

Yesterday we decided to take the kids up into Hatcher's Pass again to do some "hiking" on a popular trail that is very well maintained. The weather was somewhat cooperative (which means it wasn't raining) and so we loaded up dogs, kids, gear and friend and headed off in search of a little fresh air.

Okay, let's be honest here. Truly my reasons for hiking with kids had nothing to do with my own search for exercise. All I really wanted to do was WEAR MY KIDS OUT. We had missed naps and I knew that at least this would secure an early bedtime. If I had wanted to get some exercise for myself I would've left the kids with a sitter and hit the hills on my own.

Hah. Little did I know what was in store for me.

We reached the trail head (meaning we parked and got out of the car) and loaded up with our gear. I knew we wouldn't be going far but I had still packed along practically everything but the kitchen sink like a good mom would. My son quickly bounded up ahead on the trail with his new Spiderman backpack on (which was empty save for one snack) while my daughter lingered behind taking her sweet time. Yes, I could see how this was going to go for me. Between an overexcited 4 year old, a reluctant terrible 2 year old and a geriatric dog who could barely get out of the car we were going to have our hands full. Luckily I had my 8 months pregnant super fit girlfriend along to keep us going...sadly the mama-to-be was the fastest of us all. Sienna, being the stubborn child that she is, instantly decided that this was NOT her idea so therefore she was not interested.

Sienna: "Mommy, I can't waaaaaaaaaaallllllllkkkkk..."
Mommy: "Come on Sienna, let's go. Follow Devin and Kula up the trail."
Sienna: "I'm broken, I can't walk. I can't do it..."
Mommy: "Sienna, get moving. Look how far ahead Devin is? Come on, let's catch him!"
Sienna: "My wegs won't work...I'm broken...I don't want to hike...I need a snack..."

At this point I bust out whatever food I can find (mind you we are not even 5 minutes into this "hike") and start trailing it behind me like you would with a carrot for a donkey. Devin, hearing that food has been revealed, decides that now is the perfect time to get his snack out, too, and takes off his Spiderman backpack in search of his treat.

I could still see the car behind us. We hadn't even gone anywhere.

We decide that the best plan is to walk AND eat as we go, which seems to work for about 7.5 minutes until the bellies are full and the fact that we are walking again hits my daughter.

Sienna: "I can't walk...I'm tired...I'm broken...
Mommy: "Sienna, get your feet moving...look, you can show Kula where to go...
Sienna: "Moooooommmmmmyyyyy, I'm broken....carry me..."


To make a long story short, I caved. I carried her. And why? Because we were going hiking, dang it! We were going to get some exercise! We were going to enjoy the outdoors if it was the last thing we did! So I huffed, I sweat profusely, and meanwhile Sienna was happy as a clam now that she had her own personal pack mule to take care of her needs.


All in all, it was fun. We had some fresh air and I got the chance to enjoy a conversation with my friend while we walked. Devin managed to find every mud puddle on the trail while Sienna enjoyed the view from her perch in my arms. I do believe that we lasted maybe an hour before calling it good and heading home. Although even that took some cream if you made it back to the car.

So, today I am thankful for the fact that I my kids are still young enough to bribe with small things in order to keep them going. Don't get me wrong, I'm not condoning bribery. But hey, sometimes you have to do whatever it takes to get through events with young kids and I'm not afraid to bust out a "hook" or two in order to make it work. Motivation can come in all forms and right now my kids seem to like the kind that is frozen and comes on top of a cone.

It would seem that none of us are really immune to the old "carrot" so to speak. I had my own motivation waiting for me at home in the form of a chilled bottle.

Ahhhh...a rewarding day for sure.

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