Sunday, July 4, 2010

Round and Round We go...

Sometimes I feel like my life is run by my kids' schedules. Sleep schedules...feeding schedules...activity schedules...schedules schedules schedules. It is easy to feel like a hamster on that wheel of life running from one regimented thing to another. Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate the benefits a structured lifestyle provides for my children. Nap times are essential at our house because I need the break as much as they do in order to stay one step ahead...or at the very least keep up.

It's when our day deviates from our regular schedule that the real fun begins.

Recently my husband and I took our kids to the theater to see a new movie with characters that they were familiar with. We knew our oldest would enjoy the experience thoroughly and would be able to focus even though it is a long time to sit for a 3 1/2 year old. Sienna, on the other hand, was our wild card. We knew she would enjoy watching the movie...for about 15 minutes. After that? Well let's just say that we went against our gut feeling and brought her along and decided to hope for the best.

Never a good thing to do with a 2 1/2 year old.

We arrived at the theater for the mid-morning showing thinking that at that time there would be mostly kids in the theater so our kids wouldn't be any louder than the rest. I armed us with snacks and popcorn and we found our seats just before the movie was about to begin so the kids wouldn't have to sit any longer than necessary. We chose an end seat so if one of us had to get up it wouldn't be a hassle for anyone else. Oh yes, we were prepared.

Or so we thought.

So the movie began and started off great. Our kids were silent and engaged and I felt myself breathe a sigh of relief. This WAS good idea. Yes, there was popcorn everywhere (like a bomb had gone off) but everyone was happy. Yes, the sippy cups were no where to be found in the dark (we had to retrieve them later from underneath the seats in front of us). Things were going so well that at about halfway through I decided to take a bathroom break. I didn't say anything to my husband as I quietly slipped out and made my way to the restroom. Thinking that they wouldn't even notice that I was gone I took my time and even wandered to the concession stand to buy a special treat for my kids before heading back in.

I knew I had made a mistake the minute I hit the door of the theater. The high pitched wailing hit me like a ton of bricks. "I waaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnttttt mooooooooooommmmmmmyyyyyy....I want mommy I want mommy...I WANT MOMMY!!! Where is mommy? How could mommy weave me? Where is mommy? WHERE IS MY MOMMY???"
I quickly made my way to my seat and found my husband trying to restrain a hysterical Sienna who was thrashing and flailing and yelling at the top of her lungs. I grabbed her and tried my hardest to console her while catching seething glances from the other theater goers nearest to us. My husband whispered to me through gritted teeth, "Don't ever do that to me again...she started screaming the minute you left! Next time take her with you!"


You see, change is hard for all of us and especially for my Sienna. She needs the schedule. She needs the predictable. She needs to know at all times that I am right where she needs me to be. Even in the dark of a movie theater. Especially in the dark of a movie theater.

So tonight as I sit and think of the schedule driven regimented day behind me I am thankful for the predictable. I am thankful that my kids know what is coming next and what to expect. Spontaneity has its special place in our lives and when sprinkled in small does creates wonderful memories.

Maybe being that "hamster" isn't so bad after all.

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