Thursday, July 8, 2010

Slowing Down...

Today we had a great day and we did absolutely nothing.

Well, actually, we did a lot but we did it all from home. Lately it feels like our lives have been very busy...going going going. Soccer, camping, play dates, field trips, holiday really can make the time fly so quickly and before you know it, it's been weeks since you had a "home" day. My favorite. I could sense a day of "nothing" was needed from the moods of my kids and decided that today we would NOT get in the car...we would NOT be persuaded to go to the store for "just one thing"...we would NOT leave our house.

It was divine.

It also helped that the weather was cooperative...we live in a state where if you see sun you GET OUTSIDE!! The gorgeous blue sky was an amazing gift and we were not going to waste it. As soon as we were done with breakfast, we got dressed and we were out the door to explore the yard and all it had to offer. My son had received an air rocket for his 4th birthday so we decided to start the day off with some trial runs. After the mandatory safety discussion (no you cannot shoot your you cannot shoot yourself...) we had those rockets launching all over our cul-de-sac. Of course, my safety talk only went so far as soon enough my kids had found a way around my "rules" and were shooting each other in the butts. Kids.

It was actually a great day and for once my kids played well (mostly) without any intervening from me. I was able to mow, rake and water the lawn, clean up around the outside of our house AND make lunch with maybe only 2 temper tantrums from Sienna which is a record by far. Naps were easy (gasp!!) and afterwards we again headed outside to enjoy every last bit of sunshine we could soak up. My mom stopped by in the late afternoon so we set up some lawn chairs and decided to crack open a chilled bottle of wine to enjoy while the kids played nearby in the yard. I almost couldn't believe what an amazing day we had had.

Our discussion turned to kids, specifically my kids, and how some days are easier while other times are so challenging and tough. My husband and I have had quite a run lately with Sienna and have really had to dig deep to find new ways to work through her headstrong ways. I love questioning my mom on topics like this, as if maybe she has the magic answer that will instantly make my life easier. I happened to ask her the number one question that all parents must ask at one point or another:

"Are my kids normal?"

Of course, right after I asked this I happened to look over at my own sweet children just in time to see that my son had tied my daughter to the electrical box in our yard. "We're playing puppy, mommy...see...Sienna is the puppy!" Meanwhile, Sienna was screaming bloody murder because she most definitely DIDN'T want to be tied to the electrical box OR be a puppy.


You see, "home" days can bring out the best in everyone. The creativity needed to make the yard outside your personal "playground" is great for kids. Why would you need swing sets or jungle gyms when you have electrical boxes and climbing rope?

Today I am thankful that my kids are creative beings who can find the good in any situation around them. Give them a new toy and they will love the box the most, finding new and exciting ways to use it that I could probably never even think of.

I'm also thankful my son doesn't know how to tie a really good knot just yet. For the record, we were able to rescue Sienna from her "puppy" days easily enough. Although, I never did get the answer to my question about whether or not my kids were "normal"...

The jury is still out on that one.

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