Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Fair Play...

Fair is not always equal.

It's a statement that has been proven time and time again in my life...but also one I firmly believe in. We don't always have the same needs as each other so it would make sense that we would require different things to get those "needs" met. It's definitely a hard concept to explain to children as it appears they believe that no matter what--everyone should always be the same. My daughter had a very hard time when my son had his birthday--she just didn't understand WHY there weren't any presents for her to open. We tried to explain the situation but it didn't do any good...she wasn't hearing any of it. As far as she was concerned she was getting the shaft and we were to blame. End of story.

Lately we have noticed that our daughter has tried very hard to keep up with her older brother. From trying to ride her "big girl" bike to repeating statements she hears him say...she is his perfect little shadow. Always watching...always absorbing...always idolizing her Devin. She refuses to sleep unless he is in the room with her and she has never known a life without him. They really are two peas in a pod.

Tonight I got to experience yet another fascination that Sienna has with Devin. His ability to pee standing up.

Yes, I'm sure you can see where this is going.

I don't have to go into many details other than to say that A. she was ultimately unsuccessful and B. I had a huge mess to clean up when she was through. She has been obsessed with this skill that boys have (and girls just don't) and had been talking it about it for weeks now...not willing to accept that she just couldn't make it happen. A common conversation might have gone something like this:

Sienna: (while sitting on the toilet) "Boys stand up..."
Mommy: "Yes, you're right...boys do stand up. Girls sit down...ALWAYS."
Sienna: "Why?"
Mommy: "Because they just do."
Sienna: "I want to stand up. I have a penis. I am a boy. I can stand up too."
Mommy: "Sienna, you are a girl and no you cannot stand up. Girls sit down."
Sienna: "I want a penis! I'm a boy! I don't wike you! I want to STAND UP!!!!!"

It was a tough argument for sure. And one that I was obviously not very convincing at.

No, fair is not always equal and we don't all end up at the same place. It is usually a messy journey but in the end...hopefully...we all get what we need.

Tonight I am thankful for my daughter's perseverance. Despite the fact that I kept telling her NO about something she wanted to do she decided to take a chance and try it anyways. As a parent, I am secretly excited by this...it demonstrates to me that she might hit roadblocks in her life but that she also has the will to keep trying to find a way around them.

Now, if only her "experiments" didn't have to happen in my bathroom...


  1. I am with Sienna...I tried it twice and it didn't work either hahaha

  2. Cut out the bottom of a water bottle on an angle. Put it up to you, wallah. I can do it in a sleeping bag in a tent in the winter!!!! Hahahaahha
